1.) Can the rain really talk to the wind?Can the wind really listen to the rain?Can the flowers really kneel?
- No the rain can't talk to the wind because the rain is not a person neither can the wind listen to the rain and the flowers can't kneel because its not a human being.
2.) What are some of the effects that the tool of personification brings to this poem?
- It helps me imagine it in my mind.
3.) If the rain and wind and flowers were real people how would one describe the event that is occuring?
- I would belive that there fighting because in the poem it says "you push and ill pelt" and when a human is fighting they push and hit eachother.
4.) If the flowers were real people, how do they feel after the wind and the rain " smote" the garden bed" ?
- The flower will feel sad and depressed because the wind and the rain would be the ones bulying the flower.
5.) Speculate on why the speaker of the poem empathizes with the flowers?
-Because the flower is weak.